Thursday, September 17, 2009

What Gender Am I?

I recently took two gender quizzes online, which was more difficult to find than I originally thought. Many of the quizzes that I observed used VERY stereotypical and very often, from my experiences, not true assumptions about men and women. In one of the quizzes that I took, the more interesting of the two, I found that the author chose what is either natural, soft, gentle, or light to be connected to what is "female." The most intriguing aspect of this quiz was that it graded you based upon your percentile and how you compared to other people who take this test. For example, I responded "chocolate cake" over "apple pie." Apparently, 73% of women who have taken this quiz responded with the same answer as I, chocolate cake. The way that the website analyzed the results persuaded me into believing that there could be some sliver of truth in this quiz, although I'm still skeptical. It does intrigue me that these results, while contrived from stereotypes, did in fact confirm some stereotypes. For instance, women prefer comedies over horror movies. These quizzes were actually the first that I have taken that have given me a "female"/feminine result rather than male.


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